Interesting article, I have been wondering about these things for a while. Have you watched the stuff the Farsight Institute have put out on the subject? Remote viewing is quite a different sort of method to get "data' on the matter. I do not know how to rate its validity compared to NDE's, past life regression or mystical states but I have no reason to junk it. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.



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RV has pros and cons (I have a chapter on it in my first book - see brendanDmurphy.com/tgi). It can be used to gain accurate information - and it can also be used to spy on Santa. The fact that people can tune into fantastical thought-form realities (nonsense) in the collective unconscious is lost on many. The nonlocal information field can be used to great advantage or to great self-delusion. :-)

I have read stuff by Courtney Brown, but nothing recent. Does he/they get into the soul trap thing? 🙏

Cheers, Dave

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I've also read his books, or at least the first 2 and I don't recall any mention of it in there. Farsight did a project more recently called "the soul traps" with 4 or 5 remote viewers doing a session each. Their interpretation of what they saw was souls (they use the term "Is-Be") getting basically shocked or mind-wiped with electromagnetics immediately after death before gettting recycled. From their work they have the view that Earth is operated by oppressive ET forces as a prison planet for trouble-making souls around the galaxy. They speculate that the machinery running the system is not something the current batch of oppressive ET's made themselves. Sounds far-fetched, and I would like to see more investigation to check on the consistency.

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Sounds like it would be interesting to check out. Also sounds like more of the Astral Phantasia nonsense too. Maybe I'm wrong, but as mentioned, RVers can also find Santa. :-)

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A great article, Brendan. 😊

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Thanks, Dawn!

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Thanks for writing and sharing this, Brendan. The 'Gullible's Travels Agency' is thriving at this 'moment in time'. ;-)

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I'm going to drop this here, maybe some people might find it useful, maybe you won't :)


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Super good. Yes. Everything is perspective: As in "In the end we are all dead" is just as true as "In the end we are never dead."

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Bogus. This returning is a filthy joke played upon mankind by evil dirty bastards.

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