The populace must get savvy. They need to call these malevolent murderers out.
Each time someone talks to me about Covid, I just say, it doesn’t exist. Never been purified and isolated. I am quite often met with a blank stare and no comment. I just hope I can plant the seed of doubt.
Trump will have no problem inciting OWS the sequel as millions worship his every word and will kiss his feet as he passes by. They will cry...inject me, inject me, save me oh great one.
"They create enough layers of hooks and conditioning that the small minority that is ultimately clear-headed enough to get to the roots of the scam and then discuss their findings (such as there IS no “virus” and thus no such thing as “covid-19”—and all medical symptoms can be explained in other ways—because Germ Theory is nonsense), will sound, at best misguided, and at worst, outright delusional to people who have bought into Narrative A or B."
True, but the solution is to keep repeating the truth until it is common knowledge. Also, next time they try any totalitarian stuff, take them to court and say, "show me the virus".
Great article as always, Brendan. Thanks for referencing mine and expanding on the points I made. 🙏 There are so many moving parts to all of this.
Let's hope enough people see the 'germ theory' lie for what it is, so that 'they' can't pull off another 'pandemic'.
The populace must get savvy. They need to call these malevolent murderers out.
Each time someone talks to me about Covid, I just say, it doesn’t exist. Never been purified and isolated. I am quite often met with a blank stare and no comment. I just hope I can plant the seed of doubt.
Keep up your amazing work.
Thanks, Anne, and also thanks for being willing to have THOSE types of conversations with ppl! ;-)
No "virus" has been proven to exist. Ever.
Yes indeed, the foundational lie is that illness is contagious
Oh, yes, the next plandemic and more...
For Trump, I published a satire:
And the next 20 following
On Trump and on the myths of mRNA and antibodies, I recommend PM's articles.
on Trumpf:
Trump will have no problem inciting OWS the sequel as millions worship his every word and will kiss his feet as he passes by. They will cry...inject me, inject me, save me oh great one.
"They create enough layers of hooks and conditioning that the small minority that is ultimately clear-headed enough to get to the roots of the scam and then discuss their findings (such as there IS no “virus” and thus no such thing as “covid-19”—and all medical symptoms can be explained in other ways—because Germ Theory is nonsense), will sound, at best misguided, and at worst, outright delusional to people who have bought into Narrative A or B."
True, but the solution is to keep repeating the truth until it is common knowledge. Also, next time they try any totalitarian stuff, take them to court and say, "show me the virus".
The only way to undermine the next planedemic is to kill Bill Gates