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Morphogenesis as Holography
The material below follows directly from a detailed discussion of Geoffrey Hodson’s 1929 clairvoyant study of the prenatal life and process of a personality/soul incarnating into a physical body (see Book 2 for the full account).
In light of the material from Hodson, let’s consider the following modern material from contemporary researchers Richard Alan Miller and Iona Miller —personally I observe conceptual correlations with Hodson’s account (my comments are in square brackets):
At the moment of ovulation there is a definite shift in the electrical fields of the body of a woman. The membrane in the follicle bursts and the egg passes down the Fallopian tube. The sperm is negative with respect to the egg. When the sperm and egg unite, the membrane around the egg becomes hyperpolarized, shutting out other sperm. It is at this moment that the electromagnetic entity is formed. [Recall that the “physical permanent atom” attaches to the fertilised egg at the moment of conception.]
The fertilized egg cell contains all the holistic information necessary to create a complete, operational, human being…Our contention is that the DNA at the centre of each cell creates the multi-cellular creature hologram by expressing and projecting the DNA in the centre of the cells.
The biohologram projected by the embryonic nervous system forms a three-dimensional pattern of resonant structures. [I suggest this biohologram resonates with the information of the etheric field/template.] These structures behave as acoustic waves [the “Word”], acting as field guides for flowing matter and energy. [This is eerily similar to Hodson’s description.] The holograms are “read” by an electromagnetic or acoustic field that carries the gene-wave information beyond the limits of the chromosome structure [and out to the rest of the foetus’ tissues].
In this new understanding, DNA and the chromosome apparatus is the recording, storing, transducing and transmitting system for genetic information at both material and physical field levels.1
Regardless of quibbles over the legitimacy of the concepts of DNA and genetics, the essence of the Millers’ speculative thesis appears to align well with Hodson’s clairvoyant observations of the energetic dynamics involved in a “soul” incarnating into a human body.
The reports from seers and metaphysicists that there is a subtle form-building energetic template that preexists the physical body has received support from different researchers.
In the 1940s, neuroanatomist Harold S. Burr of Yale University had discovered that salamanders possessed an electrical energy field shaped like a salamander and that this energetic blueprint existed even in an unfertilized egg. Burr discovered electrical fields around all sorts of organisms, including moulds, salamanders, frogs, and humans.2
Seer Charles Leadbeater expressed early in the 1900s that in the case of a human foetus, to clairvoyant vision, this etheric energy field initially expresses the shape and size of the baby body it has to build.
“Clairvoyants, seeing this doll-like little figure hovering about (and afterwards within) the body of the mother, have sometimes mistaken it for the soul of the coming baby.3”
Changes in the electrical charges of Burr’s electrical fields appeared to correlate with growth, sleep, regeneration, light, water, storms, the development of cancer—even the waxing and waning of the moon. For instance, in his experiment with plant seedlings, Burr discovered electrical fields that resembled the actual adult plant.4
Interestingly, polygraph expert Cleve Backster (whose work we discussed in Book 1) found electrical cycles in an electroded chicken egg, which looked very much like human pulse beats on a polygraph chart, occurring at a rate around 157 per minute—the heart rate already established in the literature for a chicken embryo around three days along in incubation.5
Barbara Brennan, former physicist and present-day clairvoyant observes that physical tissues exist solely due to the pre-existing vital field behind them:
This relationship has been supported in the observations of plant growth by Dr. John Pierrakos and myself. Through the use of High Sense Perception [clairvoyance], we observed that an energy field matrix in the shape of a leaf is projected by the plant prior to the growth of a leaf, and then the leaf grows into that already existing form.6
In the case of humans the intangible influence of the individuated incarnating “Ego,” which plants do not possess, is surely required to shape the etheric body out of the general “etheric matter”—a point I eschewed in TGI Book 1. The plasma-like etheric matter won’t shape itself into the necessary form on its own (even though it has its own quasi-intelligence). This appears confirmed by Hodson’s aforementioned clairvoyant study from 1929.
The discarnate personality identifying itself as “E.K.” spoke about the etheric-physical relationship through medium Jane Sherwood, stating is it the interaction between the etheric template and the physical form—modified somewhat by heredity—that gives the resulting body. The etheric field “seems to anticipate the growth of the physical child all along and to be partially sunk in the body up to the time of maturity.7”
Author Jay Alfred reconciles the subtle bodies (which he refers to as bioplasma) with plasma composed of extremely high-energy “super particles,” as postulated by string theory:
There is mutual affinity between the bioplasma and physical-biomolecular bodies…[T]he bioplasma foetus wraps around the physical-biomolecular embryo while undergoing an accelerated morphogenesis (relative to the physical-biomolecular embryo). The physical-biomolecular body therefore is cued by the bioplasma [etheric] body which acts [as] an electronic matrix and a time-resolved hologram that guides its development…8
The bioplasma body could be seen as the electro-holographic “morphogenic field” driving form-building and maintenance, the template that exists in the “quantum field” or “implicate order” before the manifestation of your biology within the narrow window of the known electromagnetic spectrum. As a coherent informing field, it biases quantum events in favour of morphogenesis.
Giuliana Conforto, a former astrophysicist who taught classical and quantum mechanics, has explored the idea of an interplay between the electroweak field of physics (which she believes is a conscious force) and the “etheric body.”
She proposes that the electroweak force—particularly its neutral messenger particles known as Z bosons—play a vital role in biology and consciousness. Bosons are regarded as fundamental “force carriers.” (In mainstream physics, the Z boson is one of the three carriers of the weak nuclear force, along with the W⁺ and W⁻ bosons. The weak force plays a crucial role in radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, and fundamental particle interactions, but mainstream physics does not acknowledge a relationship between Z bosons and biology, let alone consciousness.)
Conforto suggests these Z bosons can influence the orientation of nuclear spins within the human body, but goes further and asserts that the electroweak field—which unifies the weak nuclear force and electromagnetism—plays a fundamental role in morphogenesis. According to her, the electroweak field organizes atomic and subatomic particles, governing transformations at the subatomic level.
The Z boson, the particle mediating the weak force, has a unique ability to interact with particles lacking electric charge, making it a potential medium for consciousness to influence the material world.
The Z boson can also penetrate matter without losing energy (unlike photons), and thanks to this property, she argues that Z bosons could be a form of “hidden light” that connects physical matter to subtle energies. Thus, the human body is also structured by this subtle etheric field, which acts as a blueprint for physical form.
One of Conforto’s most compelling ideas is around a type of brain cell called astrocytes. She proposes astrocytes can interact with the electroweak field, allowing the brain to connect or interface with the etheric field.9*
(Note: Conforto’s ideas about the electroweak field and its force carriers, the Z bosons, have resonances with some fundamental ideas in Buddhism which we lack the space to get into here.)
Dr Adrian Klein utilises the etheric field concept in his theory of how the process of incarnation into the “physical life” paradigm works. He states (and please bear with me through the technical verbiage for just a moment):
An available etheric template, carrying implicate orders of informational essence, may couple to the zygote’s [electromagnetic] polarization fluctuations, by a cascade-like resonant chain of harmonics, by way of [subquantum] flux propagations. This process [informs] subquantum genetic patternings, as a result of superluminal nonlinear photonic oscillation. The embryologic transcription process runs under coherent biophotonic regulation…10
In simpler terms, the etheric field/template “carries” or resonates identity and blueprint information from the incoming “soul”/Ego into the zygote (the fertilised egg), ultimately informing “genetic” expression as governed by the body’s own coherent biophotons (which would “transmit” or reflect chromosomal information throughout the organism nonlocally/simultaneously).
In 2008 Paul von Ward published a new notion dubbed the “Soul Genome.” This idea points “to a possible extension of the dual parental genetic heritage into a more complex genetic triad,” wherein the incoming to-be-born self brings its own informational database into the parental “genetic” setup, “thus impacting the parental one by further modulations in the DNA biochemical maps11…”
Here we have broadened the concept of engramming (the imprinting of memory into neural tissue) to incorporate trans-lifetime information emerging from hyperspace/implicate orders/Source Field.
In line with other researchers, Klein suggests the “quasi-material” etheric template/field is the mediating principle informing the biochemical process of morphogenesis (the form-building process).
Klein’s words offer powerful support for Hodson’s clairvoyant studies when he states that at the instant of fertilisation, when the cell membrane’s polarisation shifts, “a third genetic input is injected into the system from outside the parental genetic legacy, in fact from outside our physical world,” the source being the incoming “soul’s” own informational databank from hyper-dimensions/aether/“spirit”/implicate order/imaginal realms/Source Field. This is in addition to information from the collective/cultural databank.
As noted above, Hodson observed that at the moment of fertilisation, a flash of light emanated from the highest level of the incarnating Ego down into the sperm/spermatozoan, supplying the creative impulses and energy behind morphogenesis. (Note: In Atwater’s The Forever Angels, case 53 [Marianthi] shares a pre-conception soul memory of seeing an “intense glow” envelope her parents at the moment of her conception. See chapter 5 of The Forever Angels.)
The shape of the physical body, Hodson saw, was determined by an etheric mould—largely acoustic in nature (composed of phonons?). The mould itself is formed by several influences: the sound emitted by the zygote, the sound emitted by the data represented in the physical “permanent atom,” and other factors. (I explain "physical permanent atoms” in the book.)
With the sperm joined to the ovum—and now receptive to programming—a flow of force from the “astral plane” is triggered, which is immediately followed by the “physical permanent atom” attaching to the zygote (the fertilised egg). This activates the attractive form-building force into operation, according to Hodson, who made his clairvoyant investigations in the early-1900s.
As Klein states, using the biophysics lexicon of the 21st century, order is injected into the form-building process from nonlocal information fields, guiding morphogenesis. The quasi-material etheric templates build the grid structure of energy fields upon which the physical body develops.12
“The couple of 23 chromosomal sets of classical genetics becomes not more than an efficient attractor for the incoming [subtle-energy-mediated] informational essence of the incarnating entity,” in Klein’s words.13
The Birth Spark / Conception Flash
Another fascinating revelation pertains to the flash of light Hodson reported seeing at the moment of fertilisation, which emanated from the highest level of the Ego down into the sperm cell. This is reflected in our physical reality paradigm: at the moment of conception, there is a measurable (though ultra-weak) flash observed and which has been filmed (first in 2014). It is caused by a wave of calcium ions—what could be called a plasma flow—moving through the fertilised egg/zygote. It is known to occur in humans and other mammals.
As Klein (2020) reports, a sperm-cell signal “triggers in [the egg] a short increase in intracellular Ca+2 ions, resulting in a ‘fertilisation potential’ of the membrane. At the instant of fertilisation, a burst of hyperpolarisation occurs, with the sudden release of [zinc]-rich packages from inside the cell.”
This sudden zinc expulsion from inside the cell has been imaged using fluorescent microscopy as “a breathtaking burst of light,” now known as the “Zinc-spark,” a signature of the egg activation. “It is consistent with the first intracellular Ca [calcium] transient initiated at the site of the sperm entry.”1
Is the zinc-spark simply a case of “As above, so below,” a “lower-dimensional” parallel of the flash of light emanating from the Ego across the veil in the imaginal realms?
Klein elaborates on the (re)incarnation process as he sees it:
The incoming Self, using its subtle energy envelopes, is triggered to pass the [zero point energy] barrier by the photonic signal emitted by the egg’s [Zinc]-spark. The powerful, amplified biophotonic attractor thus supplied as an interdimensional link, gets entangled with the incoming etheric structure bearing the Self’s immense informational complexity.2
This “hyperdimensional” configuration, Klein posits, is charged with virtual photons, and is able to entangle with its reception pole, then operating on the fertilized zygote from the moment of conception.3
When the whole incoming personality structure (Ego) is in place the (re)incarnation process is effectively complete. Klein states his thesis does not violate classical requirements of genetics but extends them into a retrocausative, hyperdimensional subquantum perspective, acknowledging recent research that infers a second layer of (meta)genetic code in addition to the classical genetic code. This additional “layer” of information/code emanates from the aether/zero point field, and is thought to impact parental inheritance from the metagenetic field.4
About Brendan & His Other Offers
Brendan D. Murphy is the “consciousness guy” and author of the critically acclaimed epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1”
He’s also the founder of The Truthiversity, the #1 consciousness-raising university for awakening minds (
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NOTE: You will find correctly formatted and complete citations/endnotes in Book 2 of THE GRAND ILLUSION
1 Miller and Miller, From Helix to Hologram,
2 See McTaggart,The Field, 61.
3 Leadbeater, The Inner Life, 345–6.
4 See McTaggart, The Field, 61.
5 Backster, Primary Perception, 75.
6 Brennan, Hands of Light, 49.
7 Sherwood, The Country Beyond, 160.
8 Alfred, Jay. Evolution of Dark Plasma Life Forms on Earth. <
10 Klein, A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
Klein, The Reincarnation Process - A Scientific Perspective.
We exist before conception.
A good resource for prebirth experiences is the Cosmic Cradel books. Recollections from around the world of consciousness coming into a cellular body. I remember being in my mothers womb and my son and i talked often while his baby body was being constructed. We are both telepathic. Sometimes words are too restricting. Thank you for this article!