Dr. Malone is a shill and controlled opposition.

NO so called VIRUS has ever been isolated.

NO so called virus has ever been proved transmittable.


But this is what really caught my attention in your statement - "They obviously do not realise that ‘SARS-like bat CoVs’ are nothing more than ground up bat intestines, claimed to be “pathogenic” by injecting the muck directly into the brains of neonatal rats. Manipulation of such samples may be a way to secure some funding and impress the uninitiated but it does not change biological reality."

I will leave it to others to do their own research and fact finding; but do you know what caused BSE / Mad Cow Disease ???... OK a hint ... they started to feed cows with a different food stuff that included ANIMAL FEED (including that of cows), so the cows basically became canibals... YEP... they did it to cut cost from vedgy feed used for hundreds of years ... and the cows went mad. Look it up as it is still on the UKand EU websites. So was BSA the test ???; in the UK the same prat was in charge of BSE and Covid = Neil Fergussen...

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Wasn't aware of the Fergussen - BSE connection. Interesting!

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Fantastic, Brendan, thanks. The fraud, fake science known as virology was spawned by its mendacious, mother-bitch, germ theory. Both of these massive hoaxes are inexorably entwined with the murderous vaccine industry, a trillion dollar global racket of death and misery. This earth is run and controlled by monsters.

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