May 14Liked by Brendan D. Murphy Official

One must be suspect about how the medical world defines disease. Seems like they invent a new one every week so that they can market some drug to falsely treat it. A body not taken care of will tend to destroy itself in order to try and save itself. Thus, you appear to be diseased when it is nothing more than your body trying to get back to "normal".

Disease comes to those who fear its arrival and fear is the marketing cornerstone for all products and services (think about how this is so)...including the idea that you are diseased and need medical attention. Is it the drugs repairing your body, or the body itself?

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There may have been peoples groups living without serious disease for certain periods, but in my opinion, and in the opinion of all major asian belief systems, illness is one of the four great constituents of earthly existence. Birth, sickness, aging and death.

I deeply agree with the fact that modern life depletes health, but fighting disease is part of human existence. I do not normalise ill health, but i wouldnt go to the other end.

In fact, I deeply believe illness gives rise to the will to be happy. It serves as a springboard to a better life. It is a stressor that spurs you to take action.

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