"What I adore about many in the red-pilled crowd is how they are always SO certain they have all the answers (ideally within less than 5 minutes of anything happening ..."
When psyops happen I would say I generally feel pretty certain within about 5 minutes not because I'm so smart or awake but simply because psyops are so formulaic. I'm like, "Are you kidding me? They're just doing the same thing over and over again using exactly the same MO and most people are buying it. How does that happen?"
To my mind the main problem isn't necessarily quickly jumping to conclusions but not responding to challenges to your beliefs so while I may jump quickly to conclusions I always keep an open mind and respond to any challenges ... and in whichever way many people reach their conclusions in my opinion the biggest problem is their sticking with that conclusion and not being open to challenges.
"in whichever way many people reach their conclusions in my opinion the biggest problem is their sticking with that conclusion and not being open to challenges."
Yes, exactly.
I know where you're coming from, Petra. 👌 It's almost invariably a psyop of SOME sort these days, the question - if one is interested - is exactly *what* has unfolded? And that is often unattainable information... :)
If we're talking about conspiracies which don't follow psyop MO or psyops that are very involved such as 9/11 then sure there will be information we don't have access to but if a conspiracy is a psyop regardless of complexity there will always be certain truths we can work out very easily. It took me four years of dedicated study to work out the truth of 9/11 that the death and injury were staged (not to say that no one died or was injured but certainly there is no clear evidence of anyone dying or being injured which is only to be expected of a standard demolition job).
Once I worked out that truth though so many things just fell into place. I'm like, "I get it. In psyops they do what they want for real and fake the rest ... which only makes the most perfect sense, right?" So I looked at other events referred to as false flags such as Pearl Harbor and the 1980 Bologna Station bombing and I could see same MO as 9/11 - death and injury staged.
When the alleged pandemic hit IMMEDIATELY I knew it was a psyop because of the obviously deliberate nonsense about two species of snake being found to be "reservoirs" of the virus (debunked as "garbage" within the same article, a common feature of psyops being pushing out nonsense and then debunking it) and immediately I knew it was a psyop I also immediately knew there would be no virus because I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in one and I knew a "real" virus (as I believed they existed at the time) wouldn't work for their narrative.
Of course, even if I work out something "immediately" I always keep an open mind but I'm just not the kind of person who reserves judgement when things seem very clear. I think I'd rather just be proved wrong. To my mind the most important thing is not to get it right in the first instance but simply always be open to having your beliefs challenged.
mmm ... ok Brendon .. bit uneasy about this post Bros ... after watching your interview with Dan Winter (the Professor) you seemed a bit hammered by his output ... maybe a few coronas & lime for you and optic the senoritas walking past ... Mexico seems a grounding place to me !!!
"What I adore about many in the red-pilled crowd is how they are always SO certain they have all the answers (ideally within less than 5 minutes of anything happening ..."
When psyops happen I would say I generally feel pretty certain within about 5 minutes not because I'm so smart or awake but simply because psyops are so formulaic. I'm like, "Are you kidding me? They're just doing the same thing over and over again using exactly the same MO and most people are buying it. How does that happen?"
To my mind the main problem isn't necessarily quickly jumping to conclusions but not responding to challenges to your beliefs so while I may jump quickly to conclusions I always keep an open mind and respond to any challenges ... and in whichever way many people reach their conclusions in my opinion the biggest problem is their sticking with that conclusion and not being open to challenges.
"in whichever way many people reach their conclusions in my opinion the biggest problem is their sticking with that conclusion and not being open to challenges."
Yes, exactly.
I know where you're coming from, Petra. 👌 It's almost invariably a psyop of SOME sort these days, the question - if one is interested - is exactly *what* has unfolded? And that is often unattainable information... :)
If we're talking about conspiracies which don't follow psyop MO or psyops that are very involved such as 9/11 then sure there will be information we don't have access to but if a conspiracy is a psyop regardless of complexity there will always be certain truths we can work out very easily. It took me four years of dedicated study to work out the truth of 9/11 that the death and injury were staged (not to say that no one died or was injured but certainly there is no clear evidence of anyone dying or being injured which is only to be expected of a standard demolition job).
Once I worked out that truth though so many things just fell into place. I'm like, "I get it. In psyops they do what they want for real and fake the rest ... which only makes the most perfect sense, right?" So I looked at other events referred to as false flags such as Pearl Harbor and the 1980 Bologna Station bombing and I could see same MO as 9/11 - death and injury staged.
When the alleged pandemic hit IMMEDIATELY I knew it was a psyop because of the obviously deliberate nonsense about two species of snake being found to be "reservoirs" of the virus (debunked as "garbage" within the same article, a common feature of psyops being pushing out nonsense and then debunking it) and immediately I knew it was a psyop I also immediately knew there would be no virus because I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in one and I knew a "real" virus (as I believed they existed at the time) wouldn't work for their narrative.
Of course, even if I work out something "immediately" I always keep an open mind but I'm just not the kind of person who reserves judgement when things seem very clear. I think I'd rather just be proved wrong. To my mind the most important thing is not to get it right in the first instance but simply always be open to having your beliefs challenged.
mmm ... ok Brendon .. bit uneasy about this post Bros ... after watching your interview with Dan Winter (the Professor) you seemed a bit hammered by his output ... maybe a few coronas & lime for you and optic the senoritas walking past ... Mexico seems a grounding place to me !!!
Well said Mr Murphy.
I love your true blue sarcasm lens applied to wise council. 🙏✨️❤️