Absolutely fascinating! I was familiar with a bit of the research (admittedly not much) ant this blew my mind, thank you so much! Just proves how little we know about our lives and bodies. So appreciate this landed in my mailbox ☺️
I don my crystal pendant in the psych ward of modern society, being sure to charge it ahead of time with my own soul force energy. …This is a very important piece of writing to share, and an excellent reminder of the subtle mechanisms and interplay between coarse physical and the energetic/ photonic. Eric Coppolino https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/dr-sam-bailey/id1605420285?i=1000568850670
is quite right in calling CoVert19 the first strictly digital disease, perhaps even connected to the fact that silicon quartz -based technologies have proven very effective in transmitting it. It’s also very inspiring to consider all the many benefits the acknowledgement of this general mechanism can mean for healing ourselves -not only from the information-based trauma of CoVert19, but in our personal and collective lives in general. Thankyou
I do now Rosalind! I feel like I’m a newborn with the information I’m getting! We have control over our health more than many of us realize. TPTB have been lying for decades. I bought the Rife Handbook and I also have been wearing a Q Link (copper pendant) for about 3 months and put one on my phone. IT’s everything we cannot see. Our DNA is SMART!
I just happened to read this today and it reminded me of Joseph Chilton Pearce’s book, “The Biology of Transcendence”, a wonderfully interesting book. I read it years ago and I kept my copy.
I recall him describing a process between an infant from birth to six months and his/her mother needing to entrain the baby’s prefrontal cortex with the mother’s heart to develop empathy in the developing baby. Mothers in many cultures wore their infants on them as they worked or did their daily activities.
What modern society has done is to disrupt that connection between mothers and their babies, and mothers are now expected (demanded, in many circumstances) to leave the baby with a caretaker that is not even part of the baby’s family. Entrainment also happens in the womb.
With that information and my observations, I see a big shift in society that seems to support the lack of this connection with a degradation in family bonding. Add to that is a decay of cultural connections.
This is a fascinating article and I am glad that I found and read it. Thanks for publishing it.
Also, sleeping with your baby is frowned upon, which is insane. Intuitively I think many women know this, it’s a question of to what level of shame and guilting they get from families and friends whether or not they do it. We had both our daughters in bed w us; our first for two years and our second stayed until she was 12! Our 6 year old granddaughter (yes my daughter had a baby at 15 years old) has been in our bed from the get go and is still in bed w is. (Her mom was a teenager and it would have been better if it were her sleeping w her daughter past the first 6 months but in any case she never slept by herself!)
I Love this article! Shared while I was reading it. Are you aware of Dawn Lester? I love the lady, but this document condenses her 700 page tome to a handout brochure.
haha I like that assessment, Greg! And yes, I know Dawn, I had her on the podcast on 2 occasions! Check out the Truthiverse archives here: truthiverse.com
All the videos are on BitChute too - @BrendanDMurphyOfficial
Thanks Brendan for putting this together...my initial read filled me with excitement....now coming back to it some days later to pore over, let me give my higgedly-piggledy response...
Yes, no evidence that viruses are a 'thing', nor infection/contagion according to mainstream medicine germ orientation. And i do have sense that indeed photons are our life-blood, activating our DNA.
But my jury is out re the HOW & WHEN of information transmission between humans.
Reflecting on the Soviet experiments, I am wondering about the effect of the quartz, and as you detail further on re DNA 'opening' what are the qualities of the ethidium bromide? Are these substances mediums facilitating the info transmission? (it would have been useful for experiment if it had included an additional thin optimal window made from another substance to compare with the effects of quartz one)
I have a niggling going on...its that we dont know what goes on between two people in close, or far, proximity...
...so this statement...
"We know from many realms of research (see, for instance, Dr Sarno’s tension myositis syndrome, the work of Dr Harvey Bigelsen and sons, or Dr Hamer’s German New Medicine) that almost any symptom or illness can be explained WITHOUT needing to postulate “viruses.” "...
... yes, no need to postulate viruses...but surely, "almost any symptom of illness CAN'T be explained" ( I dont know detail of any of the above work quoted...but nevertheless i suppose my point is that we can never achieve 'explanation'!...always work in progress)
[And by the way, the fish example has flaws, in that the fish exposed to toxicity would contaminate the water with poop, thus physically poison the other fish... so cant purely extrapolate photon info transmission from that scenario.]
Quartz acts as energy activator (megaliths, made of quartz, are portals it would seem). Quartz crystals are used in healing. But, as you say, just a laying on of hands on a.n.other can change frequency.
I definitely believe that our 'state' is put out to others, and that we are impacted by all kinds of biophoton emissions from cosmos, and i heartily concur with this statement of yours.....
"Most (but not all) of it, in truth, we unconsciously create through stress with our very own minds—but many are unwilling to grapple with this possibility and fully flesh out the perhaps disturbing ramifications (a subject of great interest to me)."
All in all a great stimulating discussion piece Brendan...i am sharing with any people still wedded to the make-believe romantic/horror stories of viruses
If this is true, it provides a potential explanation of how homeopathy works. If intangible radiation from an organism or substance can cause disease, the same mechanism would logically be expected to work for healing as well.
great work, thanks, Brendan. Emoto's work fits in, as does Gerald Pollack's. Crystals like the quartz in orgone pyramids, Vogel crystals, etc., are special indeed. Rife's microscope was able to see at higher magnifications because it used quartz.
Brendan- I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I’m @windchimes from IG. Anyone who has answers pls share !!
Some questions I’ve had about these experiments (Kaznacheyev’s) 1. What would’ve happened if instead of Cell cultures they had a human being and they tried to transmit something from the toxic cells through the ports to a living human? Tom Cowan talks a lot about the problems with these experiments because they’re never done on real living tissue in a human living a human experience- and sadly when they are done on animal is the conditions are so horrific the animals are also in a very abnormal and stressed state of life. The cells in those cultures were not connected to a human body and they were susceptible to disease. Would a human with full energy be susceptible? Also, why did the sick cells spread to the two healthy cultures and not the other way around? Why didn’t those healthy cultures have a healing effect on the toxic cells? 2. This is my ignorance but this actually makes me afraid of quartz! Or at least makes me want to understand how to use crystals bc I don’t want stuff transmitted to me 3. Anecdotally I do think we see a whole lot more disease spreading vs healing spreading and the psychosomatic part throws me because my little five year old is not aware when other people around her are sick but she does sometimes get the matching symptoms .... you mentioned the idea that it takes time for people to get in the same resonance in a household, but me and my kid don’t get the same stuff at the same time or even in the same way. I think we resonate differently. 🤷🏻♀️
I think with the germ theory conversation it’s important to remind people that we are not saying there is no contagion and that’s what your paper points out, germs are not the cause, but contagion exists.
But isn’t it even scarier to think that I can’t even wash my hands to stop the spread, that someone’s electromagnetic bio field can screw me up??
I always thought the 6 feet of social distancing was purposely intended to get us out of each other’s electromagnetic field which spread 6 to 7 feet from our body. They obviously knew this so why didn’t they want us any each other‘s bio fields? Because we might’ve been able to heal each other? Because it seems to me that when I got near vaccinated people I got very sick. And I really did. I’ve had tinnitus, my hair has been falling out and my period has been massively abnormal and I had a miscarriage ever since I was around a freshly boosted co-worker who spiked a fever.
This makes me wonder-did they did develop some thing potentially in the gene therapy jab that is able to electromagnetically transmit ? Because I have been negatively affected by it in very obvious Ways and I did not get jabbed.
‘Social distancing’ (SD) was a behavioural hazing mechanism to dissuade talking in person and in groups, which always leads to dissent. It kept people in a state of alert, tension and fear.
Personally I think the stress of doing SD is enough to make a believer sick.
Excellent research thanks. Was recently arguing over how a flu transmits and the 2 categories; electromagnetic/information vs material/biochemical/'germ' captures the differences perfectly. Pasteur was just another 19th century quack of course, part of the 'establishment' creating markets, making profits.
Hi, great write up. Just curious if you have ever read what is referred to as "the Seth Material"? This is a body of work that was "channeled" by the writer Jane Roberts, beginning in the early 60's. Anyone reading this comment, please try not to be put off by the term "channeled" (which is a very understandable reaction, the term has poor connotations and a lot of channeled material is very distorted and misleading). Anyway, I very highly recommend anyone interested in consciousness studies read "The Early Session" books, which is a series of nine books that in my opinion BLOW AWAY all other written works on these incredibly important topics. That's my opinion of course, but I am sticking to it! 😎😁 The issue of contagion is hugely important and fascinating and gets right at the heart of so many fundemental misconceptions about the nature of reality. Such an important topic and thank you for writing this great post!! Just thought I would mention the Seth material as being a huge treasure chest (it's a gold standard in my opinion!) of key information about how reality actually works.
Productive & enlightening re-education of the masses to a certain extent, relies upon quality research (old & new) being bought to light. Made even more impactful when the information is presented by awakened minds who truly grasp the real in real-ity.
Absolutely fascinating! I was familiar with a bit of the research (admittedly not much) ant this blew my mind, thank you so much! Just proves how little we know about our lives and bodies. So appreciate this landed in my mailbox ☺️
Glad to hear this, Marta! :)
Fantastic research!
I’ll remember this next time
I don my crystal pendant in the psych ward of modern society, being sure to charge it ahead of time with my own soul force energy. …This is a very important piece of writing to share, and an excellent reminder of the subtle mechanisms and interplay between coarse physical and the energetic/ photonic. Eric Coppolino https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/dr-sam-bailey/id1605420285?i=1000568850670
is quite right in calling CoVert19 the first strictly digital disease, perhaps even connected to the fact that silicon quartz -based technologies have proven very effective in transmitting it. It’s also very inspiring to consider all the many benefits the acknowledgement of this general mechanism can mean for healing ourselves -not only from the information-based trauma of CoVert19, but in our personal and collective lives in general. Thankyou
So is this why the studies of cell phones being harmful are suppressed? (God did amazing work with creation.)
Question everything, people.
I do now Rosalind! I feel like I’m a newborn with the information I’m getting! We have control over our health more than many of us realize. TPTB have been lying for decades. I bought the Rife Handbook and I also have been wearing a Q Link (copper pendant) for about 3 months and put one on my phone. IT’s everything we cannot see. Our DNA is SMART!
Where can I find out more about the copper and it’s protective properties?
You might consider reading up on Shungite, if you have not already.
Cynthia, your guess is as good as mine. I research as much as I can.
Were the experiments by Hunt and others you mention double blind with blind controls?
If not, we're into murky science.
I just happened to read this today and it reminded me of Joseph Chilton Pearce’s book, “The Biology of Transcendence”, a wonderfully interesting book. I read it years ago and I kept my copy.
I recall him describing a process between an infant from birth to six months and his/her mother needing to entrain the baby’s prefrontal cortex with the mother’s heart to develop empathy in the developing baby. Mothers in many cultures wore their infants on them as they worked or did their daily activities.
What modern society has done is to disrupt that connection between mothers and their babies, and mothers are now expected (demanded, in many circumstances) to leave the baby with a caretaker that is not even part of the baby’s family. Entrainment also happens in the womb.
With that information and my observations, I see a big shift in society that seems to support the lack of this connection with a degradation in family bonding. Add to that is a decay of cultural connections.
This is a fascinating article and I am glad that I found and read it. Thanks for publishing it.
Also, sleeping with your baby is frowned upon, which is insane. Intuitively I think many women know this, it’s a question of to what level of shame and guilting they get from families and friends whether or not they do it. We had both our daughters in bed w us; our first for two years and our second stayed until she was 12! Our 6 year old granddaughter (yes my daughter had a baby at 15 years old) has been in our bed from the get go and is still in bed w is. (Her mom was a teenager and it would have been better if it were her sleeping w her daughter past the first 6 months but in any case she never slept by herself!)
we are the ONLY animals that dont sleep and dont stay with our young, so sad and SO WRONG 💔
Brendan. Thank you. An amazing article. This is why radionics was shut down. It was THE tech they were planning to use now.
I Love this article! Shared while I was reading it. Are you aware of Dawn Lester? I love the lady, but this document condenses her 700 page tome to a handout brochure.
haha I like that assessment, Greg! And yes, I know Dawn, I had her on the podcast on 2 occasions! Check out the Truthiverse archives here: truthiverse.com
All the videos are on BitChute too - @BrendanDMurphyOfficial
Thanks Brendan for putting this together...my initial read filled me with excitement....now coming back to it some days later to pore over, let me give my higgedly-piggledy response...
Yes, no evidence that viruses are a 'thing', nor infection/contagion according to mainstream medicine germ orientation. And i do have sense that indeed photons are our life-blood, activating our DNA.
But my jury is out re the HOW & WHEN of information transmission between humans.
Reflecting on the Soviet experiments, I am wondering about the effect of the quartz, and as you detail further on re DNA 'opening' what are the qualities of the ethidium bromide? Are these substances mediums facilitating the info transmission? (it would have been useful for experiment if it had included an additional thin optimal window made from another substance to compare with the effects of quartz one)
I have a niggling going on...its that we dont know what goes on between two people in close, or far, proximity...
...so this statement...
"We know from many realms of research (see, for instance, Dr Sarno’s tension myositis syndrome, the work of Dr Harvey Bigelsen and sons, or Dr Hamer’s German New Medicine) that almost any symptom or illness can be explained WITHOUT needing to postulate “viruses.” "...
... yes, no need to postulate viruses...but surely, "almost any symptom of illness CAN'T be explained" ( I dont know detail of any of the above work quoted...but nevertheless i suppose my point is that we can never achieve 'explanation'!...always work in progress)
[And by the way, the fish example has flaws, in that the fish exposed to toxicity would contaminate the water with poop, thus physically poison the other fish... so cant purely extrapolate photon info transmission from that scenario.]
Quartz acts as energy activator (megaliths, made of quartz, are portals it would seem). Quartz crystals are used in healing. But, as you say, just a laying on of hands on a.n.other can change frequency.
I definitely believe that our 'state' is put out to others, and that we are impacted by all kinds of biophoton emissions from cosmos, and i heartily concur with this statement of yours.....
"Most (but not all) of it, in truth, we unconsciously create through stress with our very own minds—but many are unwilling to grapple with this possibility and fully flesh out the perhaps disturbing ramifications (a subject of great interest to me)."
All in all a great stimulating discussion piece Brendan...i am sharing with any people still wedded to the make-believe romantic/horror stories of viruses
If this is true, it provides a potential explanation of how homeopathy works. If intangible radiation from an organism or substance can cause disease, the same mechanism would logically be expected to work for healing as well.
Homeopathy is definitely in that realm. We use it at our house for various things and when you find the right one, it’s just incredible.
This was really interesting, I never knew any of this, now that I do, I will look at humans and "viruses" differently.
great work, thanks, Brendan. Emoto's work fits in, as does Gerald Pollack's. Crystals like the quartz in orgone pyramids, Vogel crystals, etc., are special indeed. Rife's microscope was able to see at higher magnifications because it used quartz.
Hi Brendan, could I ask if this is also why when women live together, their menstrual cycle tends to sync. As this would make perfect sense. Thank you
Brendan- I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I’m @windchimes from IG. Anyone who has answers pls share !!
Some questions I’ve had about these experiments (Kaznacheyev’s) 1. What would’ve happened if instead of Cell cultures they had a human being and they tried to transmit something from the toxic cells through the ports to a living human? Tom Cowan talks a lot about the problems with these experiments because they’re never done on real living tissue in a human living a human experience- and sadly when they are done on animal is the conditions are so horrific the animals are also in a very abnormal and stressed state of life. The cells in those cultures were not connected to a human body and they were susceptible to disease. Would a human with full energy be susceptible? Also, why did the sick cells spread to the two healthy cultures and not the other way around? Why didn’t those healthy cultures have a healing effect on the toxic cells? 2. This is my ignorance but this actually makes me afraid of quartz! Or at least makes me want to understand how to use crystals bc I don’t want stuff transmitted to me 3. Anecdotally I do think we see a whole lot more disease spreading vs healing spreading and the psychosomatic part throws me because my little five year old is not aware when other people around her are sick but she does sometimes get the matching symptoms .... you mentioned the idea that it takes time for people to get in the same resonance in a household, but me and my kid don’t get the same stuff at the same time or even in the same way. I think we resonate differently. 🤷🏻♀️
I think with the germ theory conversation it’s important to remind people that we are not saying there is no contagion and that’s what your paper points out, germs are not the cause, but contagion exists.
But isn’t it even scarier to think that I can’t even wash my hands to stop the spread, that someone’s electromagnetic bio field can screw me up??
I always thought the 6 feet of social distancing was purposely intended to get us out of each other’s electromagnetic field which spread 6 to 7 feet from our body. They obviously knew this so why didn’t they want us any each other‘s bio fields? Because we might’ve been able to heal each other? Because it seems to me that when I got near vaccinated people I got very sick. And I really did. I’ve had tinnitus, my hair has been falling out and my period has been massively abnormal and I had a miscarriage ever since I was around a freshly boosted co-worker who spiked a fever.
This makes me wonder-did they did develop some thing potentially in the gene therapy jab that is able to electromagnetically transmit ? Because I have been negatively affected by it in very obvious Ways and I did not get jabbed.
‘Social distancing’ (SD) was a behavioural hazing mechanism to dissuade talking in person and in groups, which always leads to dissent. It kept people in a state of alert, tension and fear.
Personally I think the stress of doing SD is enough to make a believer sick.
I call it anti-social distancing, because it disrupts social connections that are important for our wellness.
Excellent research thanks. Was recently arguing over how a flu transmits and the 2 categories; electromagnetic/information vs material/biochemical/'germ' captures the differences perfectly. Pasteur was just another 19th century quack of course, part of the 'establishment' creating markets, making profits.
Hi, great write up. Just curious if you have ever read what is referred to as "the Seth Material"? This is a body of work that was "channeled" by the writer Jane Roberts, beginning in the early 60's. Anyone reading this comment, please try not to be put off by the term "channeled" (which is a very understandable reaction, the term has poor connotations and a lot of channeled material is very distorted and misleading). Anyway, I very highly recommend anyone interested in consciousness studies read "The Early Session" books, which is a series of nine books that in my opinion BLOW AWAY all other written works on these incredibly important topics. That's my opinion of course, but I am sticking to it! 😎😁 The issue of contagion is hugely important and fascinating and gets right at the heart of so many fundemental misconceptions about the nature of reality. Such an important topic and thank you for writing this great post!! Just thought I would mention the Seth material as being a huge treasure chest (it's a gold standard in my opinion!) of key information about how reality actually works.
I just ordered on audible 👌
Hi, what did you order exactly? 🙂
Seth speaks
Cool, have fun!
Productive & enlightening re-education of the masses to a certain extent, relies upon quality research (old & new) being bought to light. Made even more impactful when the information is presented by awakened minds who truly grasp the real in real-ity.
Thanks for rising to the challenge Brendan.