(if that’s you, feel free to wander back into your preferred Fairy Land where only “matter” is real, or where injecting heavy metals into children is “gold standard” preventative medicine, or where cow farts have apparently caused the seas to boil, or where “viruses” are real, or where you can see the sun after it sets just by zooming in a bit more, or where those parallel lines in the sky are all just contrails)

When I got there I subscribed. I mean, I usually expect to disagree with people on SOME of those things, but it was funny how I'm 100% with you on all those.

Feels validating, like I'm not going crazy.

I like how you make arguments sir. I'll give you a bit of a personal story that I think you'll appreciate regarding actual scientific thinking, and how anyone can apply it.

I had a medical condition for the first 30 years of my life. Everything every expert told me to do never worked. I was consigned to living with it.

Eventually, around 30 years old, my significant other at the time suffered some health crises and was in cardiac ICU for 10 days at one of the, considered to be, best hospitals in the US.

After 10 days, they not only did nothing to help her, they had no idea what had happened, the cause, anything.

Here, a lot of my faith in the medical community was lost. By stopping relying on the belief that they know everything, I was able to give myself permission to address my own health issue with my own mind.

To completely ignore conventional wisdom...and humbly surrender to the following:

"I am ready to completely surrender to the idea that there is no cure for my condition. But I can't just accept it as true. I CANNOT truthfully and fully surrender to this condition UNLESS I know if there is no cure. Which means, without hope of a cure, but in conviction to prove that I am uncurable, to finally put this to rest, I must ...try everything."

It didn't take long after that to cure myself. If you're really curious about what I cured, I'm happy to tell you through DM but, I'm reluctant to post it here because I don't want to give false hope (it's a really terrible and widely held problem). The solution to my situation was very unique to my situation.

All this to say... I never thought of myself as scientific. Quite the opposite. But when you take the mindset I did, you are taking the mindset of a truly scientific approach. You are proving by intentionally trying to disprove. I proved there was a cure by trying to disprove the existence of a cure.

I stopped listening to information and beliefs that felt good or true enough. I put reality to the test and let the results speak for themselves.

OK.. this comment is way too long.

Glad I found your substack, Brendan. Look forward to learning more from you.

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Great post!

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