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Through my first book, THE GRAND ILLUSION: A SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY - Book 1 📕 - 10,000 hours of research in 1 book
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O’ to Adult Efficiently…
So here we are post-Christmas, post-NYE, post-2024…
What a year that was. Just nuts. Honestly can’t say I’ll miss it a whole lot.
Following the frenetic shitshow of ‘24, I’ve decided some drastic measures had to be made, so there’s now something vaguely resembling a plan which I’ve cooked up, with a few humble goals in mind.
mentioned to me recently something she read in a book about productivity by Cal Newport that I took on board. Newport explained that, aside from daily tasks, administrivia, and other unavoidable minutia, we need to limit ourselves to no more than 3 major projects at a time…The key concept being this:
Newport distinguishes between deep work and shallow work.
Each project comes with its own share of shallow work and overhead tasks that are must-dos. The more projects you take on, the more these fill your calendar, and eventually, you have zero time for the deep work because your calendar is filled with those little ticky-tacky tasks (don’t I know it!).
If you’re not already aware, I’ve been plugging away at an epic behemoth of a book for quite some time now. It’s the sequel to Book 1 of THE GRAND ILLUSION (2012).
Let’s call this Project 1. This most definitely qualifies as “deep work.”
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to write a book on the kind of scale I tend to, let me tell you it’s no freaking walk in the park (unless that park is designed and overseen by Freddy Kruger perhaps).
In 2019, after a 7-year hiatus from working on THE GRAND ILLUSION series, I resumed active work on the manuscript for Book 2. At that stage, having completed Book 1 and split off many sub-books in the process, Book 2 was already comfortably over 200,000 words easily. (In other words, comfortably over 500 pages if using the same book formatting and dimensions as TGI 1.)
Starting that year (I guess it must have been LATE 2019, roughly as clownvid-19 was kicking off?) I spent 3 hours a day for the next 11 months chipping away at progressing things (and progress they did!).
*Lowers voice to a whisper*
As an aside, one thing that has always irked me slightly is when people ask me what kind of book it is and if it’s “channeled” or if it’s not, as if such a simplistic dichotomy is somehow relevant, let alone important. But some of us don’t need to fall into unconscious trance or be taken over by a visiting entity to tap into insight, and I can never understand why SOME people can’t seem to conceive of a book that is both heavily researched and thought out in a more academic sort of way, as well as being the product of direct knowing/gnosis, and the tapping of one’s inner wellspring of direct-access (tranceless) wisdom.
As I was saying, a book such as this is no easy thing to tackle. It takes thousands of hours of research, writing, analysing, pondering, reorganising material, and repeating all that ad nauseum. But when you add children into the mix, well…
…at that point it’s almost comically absurd.
Thus, since the birth of my luminous and brilliant daughter in late 2020 (on the Grand Conjunction and solstice, no less), the writing process slowed dramatically (parents will understand). Since moving to San Miguel de Allende in mid-September of last year, the decline in my available time has intensified further still (largely due to not having a nanny working with us here—YET!).
“Something must be done!” I hear you urge… *grin
Thus, I’ve had to get a tad ruthless in freeing up some time to finally get this manuscript done and dusted and out to the good people of planet earth—before the year 2087 arrives. 😝
“So what does that mean?” I hear you wonder somewhat nervously…
As someone who tends to live life pathologically over-committed, less is definitely more at this stage—so some culling has had to happen, to allow me to focus on top priorities.
This year there will be less energy input into THE TRUTHIVERSITY. There’s already a load of valuable material in there, so both current and new members will have no shortage of content for many months to come (in the form of complete podcast episodes, courses, articles, audio, etc.).
After I get a handful of pre-arranged podcasts done this January for the TRUTHIVERSE podcast (you can find it here in my Substack—or videos on BitChute and Youtube), I will likely produce hardly any further episodes for 2025. (Of course, I reserve the right to be spontaneously inspired and do more shows at my whimsy, but no promises. I got a bit over the podcasting gig last year anyway, to be honest.)
I will instead be focusing on guesting on other people’s shows to discuss this monumental research project of mine referred to for brevity as BOOK 2. Promotion and marketing to create the book for maximum impact will be my main focus once it’s being dealt with by editors and publishers and largely out of my hands.
If you have a fave podcast that you think I’d be a fit for, drop them a line to let them know you’d like to see me on it! (Thanks in advance—you just won a lifetime supply of virtual cuddles.)
Frankly, I’ll be glad to have a little break from staring at a manuscript for a little while, though I’ll continue my ongoing studies across multiple subjects as usual.
Writing aside, I will have an ongoing focus on building our online entrepreneurial/business community with the business savant (also my wifey). We have a commitment to our community in helping them utilise our chosen wealth-creation vehicle to maximum effect through our training academy Freedom Quest and our ongoing hands-on mentoring. (We’re also hosting free weekly open-to-all introductory educational sessions.)
This is Project 2.

I intend to spend much more time on music than I have in recent years. If you’re not aware, I write music, I sing, I play guitar, and allegedly I’m fairly talented (thanks, mum). 😜
Music lights me up more than I can tell you, and it’s been on the back burner far too long, so I’ve resolved to do something about it. :)
While I DO have a LOT of original material that I yearn to some day record properly and publish, initial stages of my re-immersion in music will involve less onerous things such as:
Acoustic + vocal covers of some songs I really dig (most being pretty well known)
Vocal-only covers (where I won’t need to recreate the instrumental parts on guitar—these will take less time and energy to produce)
This shall be Project 3.
And just in case you were going to press me on why I’m not just going straight to working on and releasing my own songs, the short answer is they tend to be much more involved and quite demanding (in terms of arrangements, guitar skills needed, production know-how, etc.), and therefore would take up more of my time than I can manage right now.
And of course there will be the mandatory daily singing training to get my pipes up to the standard I know they can reach (shoutout to Ken Tamplin, the singer’s singing teacher, who has the best training out there).
I’ll also be looking to wind down Evolve Yourself over this year, so will accept new program members for a limited time (and I will, of course, honour any pre-paid activation ceremonies!).
While this has been a worthy and life-changing offering over the past decade-plus, it’s also one of those things that creates a bunch of extra admin work (AKA “shallow work”) for Aimz and I, eating into the OTHER projects and “deep work” we’re prioritising.
(Remember, we’re parents with a freakishly energetic four-year-old who’s not a big fan of sleep 😝. For context for the Human Design fans out there: our kid is a Mani-Gen and she makes the other Mani-Gen’s look like sloths LOL. Neither Aimz nor I have a built-in battery like she does, me being a Manifestor and Aimz being a Projector. She reminds me of the pack of Tim Tams that never runs out—she’s self-charging at a level I can hardly fathom. Not that I’m jealous. ;-) )
So that’s it—in a nut shell, my 3 “projects” for 2025 will be:
Finishing and promoting BOOK 2 of THE GRAND ILLUSION
Building our online business stuff with Aimz and our community
Music (cross all your appendages for me!)
Ooops, almost forgot the…
UNOFFICIAL FOURTH PROJECT (*insert facepalm*):
I’ll probably continue to publish fairly inconsistently here on Substack, but I will definitely be at least somewhat active. Your support here is enormously appreciated and gratefully received—it means a lot to me that someone out there sees enough value in what I’m doing to actually choose to fund it.
So please do grab a paid sub if you appreciate what I do and want me to keep going (shares help too and cost nothing)!
All your support helps me to focus and get Book 2 done and out there, so thanks again. 👊🏼
So that’s my grand plan for 2025—and with your help I might just make this hair-brained shenanigan work. 😁
Thanks for reading, and rock on,
About Brendan & His Other Offers
Brendan D. Murphy is the “consciousness guy” and author of the critically acclaimed epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1”
He’s also the founder of The Truthiversity, the #1 consciousness-raising university for awakening minds (, and facilitator of accelerated evolution inside his Evolve Yourself program (learn more at
Get on the wait list for the astonishing Book 2 of “The Grand Illusion”
📲 Follow Brendan’s Instagram and BitChute: @BrendanDMurphyOfficial
🧬 Watch the free How to Evolve Yourself (WITHOUT Hard Work or Meditation) Masterclass to learn about Brendan's potent evolutionary biofield activation and healing work with sound
You sound like you're plenty productive but just in case you haven't figured this out, it's a game-changer...
If you're like me, your mind never stops spinning.
I get a huge boost of energy when I make myself stop thinking. I think there's 2 basic reasons:
1. Thinking in no particular direction burns a lot more energy than I realize. And I mean actual energy. I stay up for hours longer, I keep moving and doing stuff... it's a jarringly noticeable difference.
2. I get bored very quickly when I'm not thinking. That's the key. Seek boredom.
When your mind starts thinking, about anything, tell yourself internally "thinking".
After a million 'thinking's in a time span of about 4 minutes, your brain will start to give up.
If you've done meditation, it's very similar.
Intense boredom + way more energy = doing work feels like relief.
It sounds like this method is a means of torturing yourself to make you accomplish things, but it doesn't feel that way. It actually feels very freeing and makes work way more enjoyable.
Tip: The only time I allow myself to stop working toward whatever my daily goal is, and think, is "to solve an immediate problem." Sometimes you need to stop and think to consciously work something out.