Monetary reform advocate and multipotentiate Francis Ayley joins host Brendan Murphy on Truthiverse to discuss the urgent need for monetary reform on a planet sinking under the manufactured debt crisis of the transnational corporations who control the banking system. If you're not already aware, Francis explains in simple terms why today's usurious banking system is so toxic for all of us, and the effects it has on society. What do we do? Francis has a unique model for implementing a grassroots transformation of society: Fourth Corner Exchange has been tested in the real world with tremendous success, helping people extricate themselves from total dependency on ever-inflating fiat currency owned by the New World Order/Banksters, while, at the same time, forging stronger communities and interpersonal relationships.
In a world of broken and betrayed trust, this model helps repair the damage done by a psychopathic and predatory usurious banking system which has forced most of humanity to exist in a servile state of survival, competing against each other to survive, instead of collaborating to thrive. This model puts the power of choice and freedom back where it belongs: in the hands of everyday people (not bankers).
Listen in to hear how you can start using Fourth Corner Exchange right NOW to being trading and exchanging your value and time with regular folk like yourself, while depriving the sociopathic bankers of their undeserved power.
Special Guest: Francis Ayley.
Epic Resources (Documentaries, Books, etc.) — Click here for some fantastic films and documentaries about money, debt, alternate currencies, and so on. Highly recommended. 👌
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