Alistair Larmour's Story
With more than a decade of serious astral travel experience, Alistair has achieved a great level of success in a realm where many only dabble. With a number of medical intuition success cases, he has rare abilities, though he really shines in the mental health space where his applied expertise has resulted in a large number of people's conditions dissolve from their life. Not only that, Alistair trains many students in the arts of astral travel and takes his students to a very high degree of expertise.
You'll Learn:
Why the global fascist agenda is best described as demonic
How many advanced astral travellers are running operations against the "dark forces"
Who is winning the war - humanity or the darkness
Which timelines have been collapsed
Why the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of late 2019 was so important to the "dark side"
What the globalist "triple threat" is and why it's so important to them
About the role of fourth-dimensional mind control technology
Why Event 201 and the Plandemic was rushed out...
...and MUCH, much more.
It's never dull chatting to Alistair and always a lot of fun. If you're like me then you'll enjoy this welcome change of pace away from discussions of fake viruses and bogus Germ Theory, and into more metaphysical terrain.
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Special Guest: Alobar Jones.
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