Alison McDowell's Story
Alison McDowell is a mother and an independent researcher in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She blogs at the intersection of race, finance, and technology at
What began as an effort to slow the privatization of public education in her city evolved into an investigation of globalized poverty management, euphemistically known as social impact investing. After spending several years researching predatory educational-technologies, Alison began to dig into a new form of capitalism - biocapitalism or stakeholder capitalism, where humans are transformed into data commodities.
You'll Learn:
How healthcare, housing, and education are being weaponized
Who is turning schools into private for-profit data centres
Why we MUST NOT allow the Fourth Industrial Revolution or "Great Reset" to happen
How Silicon Valley and the "Elite" are converting the poor into profitable commodities
What Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the World Economic Forum have in common
The looming danger of stakeholder capitalism a.k.a. poverty management capitalism
How the Internet of Things, 5G, cloud computing, blockchain and smart cities tie in together
How the Technocrats are harvesting our children's biometric and behavioural data through virtual reality tech
Why UNICEF doesn't want children to grow up in the natural/real world
How doctors are being set up as the new jailers under the New Normal - and WHY
...and much, MUCH more.
This has to be one of THE most disturbing - and yet IMPORTANT - interviews I've ever done. Humanity is in dire straits and this information is crucial if we are to prevent what's planned for us.
Please subscribe, drop a review, and share this information widely.
Thanks in advance for supporting the nascent emergence of deep human self-awareness - and the peace, truth, and beauty this will bring.
Special Guest: Alison McDowell.
Wrench in the Gears – A Skeptical Parent's Thoughts on Digital Curriculum — Read Alison McDowell's blog
Alison McDowell - YouTube — Alison's YouTube Channel
Klaus Schwab — Books by Klaus Schwab, including COVID-19: The Great Reset
Globalization 4.0 | World Economic Forum — In their words: "Every industrial revolution has driven a wave of globalization. We're on the cusp of a new era, as the data-driven technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution rewrite the rules of the global economy."
The Internet of Bodies Is Here: Tackling new challenges of technology governance | World Economic Forum — Recent technological advancements have ushered in a new era of the “internet of bodies” (IoB), with an unprecedented number of connected devices and sensors being affixed to or even implanted and ingested into the human body. The IoB generates tremendous amounts of biometric and human behavioral data. This is, in turn, fuelling the transformation of health research and industry, as well as other aspects of social life, such as the adoption of IoB in work settings, or the provision of new options for entertainment – all with remarkable data-driven innovations and social benefits. Yet the IoB also raises new challenges for data governance that concern not only individual privacy and autonomy but also new risks of discrimination and bias in employment, education, finance, access to health insurance and other important areas for the distribution of social resources.
Aadhaar - Wikipedia — India's digital identity system
World Bank - COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program (SPRP)
About | UNICEF Innovation Fund — UNICEF is grateful for the generous support provided by current and past Innovation Fund investors and supporters: Strategic Partners: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited and the Walt Disney Corporation.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act | U.S. Department of Labor — WIOA is landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation's public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers.
Great Barrington Declaration — As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Welcome to DNANudge — Our capsule and App use your unique DNA to nudge you towards healthier choices, when you're shopping
Walk for the Dole? We must find new ways to tackle those Corona kilos
UNICEF Kid Power - Get Active. Save Lives. — As you play videos, you also earn virtual coins to allocate in our Kid Power Exchange®. Choose to support food banks or deliver PPE masks (both essential to COVID-19 relief), or plant trees for your local community!
Covid-19 National Testing & Tracing Action Plan - The Rockefeller Foundation — Rockefeller Foundation Contact Tracing
The Rockefeller Foundation | Dr Judith Rodin — Judith Rodin ex-President of the Rockefeller Foundation
The Commons Project | Unlocking the full potential of technology and data for the common good. — Unlocking the full potential of technology and data for the common good.
CommonHealth — The Commons Project — CommonHealth helps people collect, store, and share their personal health information safely and securely. It was developed in collaboration with UCSF, Cornell Tech and Sage Bionetworks with broad participation from all corners of the healthcare ecosystem. Learn More
About Us — The Commons Project — For global travel and trade to return to pre-pandemic levels, travelers will need a secure and verifiable way to document their health status as they travel and cross borders. Countries will need to be able to trust that a traveller’s record of a COVID PCR test or vaccination administered in another country is valid. Countries will also need the flexibility to update their health screening entry requirements as the pandemic evolves and science progresses. Airlines, airports and other travel industry stakeholders will need the same.
COVIDcheck — The Commons Project — COVIDcheck helps people around the world understand and reduce their COVID-19 risks. Developed in collaboration with CDC and the World Medical Association, it also supports schools, universities, employers,and public health agencies in their efforts to overcome the pandemic and return to a new normal.
The Rockefeller Foundation Calls for Transformation of the U.S. Food System to Address the Hunger and Nutrition Crisis - The Rockefeller Foundation — With levels of hunger and nutrition insecurity exploding during the pandemic and resulting economic downturn, The Rockefeller Foundation today issued a call to action to transform the U.S. food system to meet immediate needs while also putting in motion the systemic shifts necessary to make the food system more resilient, nourishing, sustainable and equitable in the long-run.
About | Mad Scientist Laboratory — Mad Scientist is a U.S. Army initiative and a community of action that continually explores the future through collaborative partnerships and continuous dialogue with academia, industry and government. Through this initiative, the Army shapes future multi-domain (i.e., Land, Air, Sea, Cyber, and Space) operations in its role as a thought leader in the future of warfare.
TRADOC G-2 OE Enterprise - YouTube — TRADOC Mad Scientist Division talks about warfare and mega cities
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development — The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
This Smart Toilet Features Personal Butthole Recognition - ExtremeTech
Bill Gates Backed Startup Uses CRISPR to Grow Meat — CRISPR Technology creates fake meat
Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet: Levine, Yasha: 9781610398022: Books — The internet is the most effective weapon the government has ever built. In this fascinating book, investigative reporter Yasha Levine uncovers the secret origins of the internet, tracing it back to a Pentagon counterinsurgency surveillance project.
Making Money Smart — The 'Making Money Smart' report examines the design benefits and limitations of the blockchain-based 'smart money' system for the NDIS and identifies other use cases for the technology such as enabling insurance payouts, budgeting and the management of trusts and charities.
Diversion Programs — Diversion Programs
Technocrats, Great Barrington, and Bermuda Grass – Why Settle For Reform When A Radical Solution Is Needed? – Wrench in the Gears — Alison's insight into the Great Barrington Declaration
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