Recently a few of my fellow Substackers here have highlighted some of the limitations of the rhetoric of some very well known figures in the “truth movement”…
…specifically limitations to do with inconsistent or just plain unhelpful views around the question of whether “the virus” (or "viruses” in general) actually exist as they are believed to within the Church of Modern Medicine, as Dr Robert Mendelsohn dubbed it.
In the Church of Modern Medicine, of course, we do not question the sacred cows of viruses, nor vaccines for that matter. ;-)
One of the leading unhelpful views circulating in alt-communities is basically along the lines of arguing that "It doesn’t matter” whether the postulated C19 “virus” actually exists as advertised so vigorously by the lamestream media and bought politicians.
To me, it beggars belief that after the events of 2020 and beyond there might still be ANYONE who can fail to grasp the significance of whether disease-causing (pathogenic) viruses ACTUALLY exist.
In case anyone needs reminding…
…ALL of the lockdowns, the global wealth transfer, forcing people to stay in their homes, the setting up of other severe restrictions of movement, the campaign for the COVIPASS, the millions of jobs lost, the massive increase in suicides, the huge general mental health decline, the millions of families put into deeper hardship, the medically useless masks, and all the other forms of insanity and tyranny were ALL justified by the alleged existence of “covid-19” and the SARS-cov-2 “virus.”
So, forgive me for being colourful, but how the F**K does it make ANY sense to pretend it doesn’t matter whether “the virus” exists or not?
I’d think that would be kind of an important thing to factor in given the extreme and arbitrary measures taken—not to mention the many lives lost as a result of the kill shots (which were clearly never intended to be medically helpful, unless you’re one of the eugenicists who helped plan the illusion of a convid-19 “pandemic”, and believe culling the herd is “helpful”).
It was all done to “keep us safe from the big, scary virus”, so the Cabal’s advertising went.
Of course. Tyrannical measures are always justified by appeals to the safety of the masses—because, you know, your government loves you (and you can totally trust government!).
And yes, we should discuss it NOW, not later.

As my friend Dawn Lester (Dawn’s Writings) points out,
the idea that ‘pathogenic agents’ exist…has tentacles that reach into many aspects of our lives, so it cannot be brushed aside as if irrelevant, especially in view of the complete lack of evidence to support this idea.
I would therefore recommend that people who believe in ‘pathogenic agents’ become aware of the various reports that claim there will be ‘future pandemics’.
Dawn cites a 22nd of May 2023 ‘News’ item on the UN website which states,
“Although COVID-19 may no longer be a global public health emergency, countries must still strengthen response to the disease and prepare for future pandemics and other threats, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday in Geneva.”
In other words, as many of us were already aware, these sickos are not done yet, not by a long shot. I documented their long-range thinking HERE in this presentation which should be shared widely.
The “virus” idea has not simply been weaponized, the CONCEPT itself IS a weapon. It serves the Rockefeller Cartel and the globalists very nicely.
The broader allopathic paradigm that nestles within its bosom the superstition of Contagion IS a weapon.
When people accept the notion that infectious disease-causing viruses exist and are “out to get them”, they can be very easily manipulated into behaviours that are counterproductive, self-harming and downright idiotic—as the past 3 years has proved decisively.
That the concept of viruses is used as a tool for behavioural modification is not debatable.
That it has been used for decades to sell a bunch of toxic and completely unnecessary vaccines is also not debatable.
“Viruses” as an idea serve as a tool for control in the globalist tool kit (it’s not the only tool, but dang if it ain’t a good one!). It induces people into FEAR and when people are afraid they look to a saviour figure to rescue them from on high, be it Big Brother, Jesus, Allah, RFK, Del Bigtree, or what have you.
We heard about the “discovery” of the “new virus” through the controlled media, people went into fear, and who was there waiting with oh-so-loving arms to rescue them from the looming nightmare? Why, it was good ol’ Big Gubberment.
It was all simply Problem, Reaction, Solution from the start—only many people still don’t seem to realise the “problem” was a manufactured ILLUSION from the beginning.
The first thing a PSYOP does is manipulate the mind/beliefs—perception and behaviour then follow.
Speaking of long range thinking, Dr Barre Lando of ALFAVEDIC stated in his interview with me on Truthiverse that he had been told of the covid-style event being planned by a connected individual some TWENTY YEARS before it happened.
I had an ex-housemate back in Australia who told us that a friend of hers in the Australian military told her quite out of the blue one day—and for no apparent reason—that soon she/we would not be able to travel for a couple of years.
That was just before the “pandemic” was officially advertised into pseudo-existence.
Clearly he had been told something was about to unfold.
Thing is, this nonsense about a “pandemic” (morality rates were normal through 2020 and 2021—until the kill shots came out) is something that has been known about by people who "need to know.”
As Carlin said, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.”
If you didn’t know in advance that’s because you were the target of the biggest PSYOP ever staged in the modern era—possibly ever.
Those who knew were either the few architects, or the many more order-following minions needed to carry out the sham.
The KEY to all of this bullshit working, of course, was the masses BELIEVING in the concept of pathogenic viruses.
Without that belief, that faith, none of this insanity was possible.
A well informed public versed in the Terrain Paradigm would have been psychologically immune to the hoax and rejected all the proposed “solutions”.
The damage would have been avoided.
THAT, my friend, is why it matters whether or not pathogenic viruses exist.
And just to be clear, the burden of proof is on he who affirms. In other words, when someone claims a pathogenic virus exists, the onus is on THEM to prove their case, it’s not on the people receiving the claim to prove it wrong.
(It IS wrong, by the way.)
If I come to you and claim unicorns really exist, is it on you to prove they don’t?
No, of course not. If I can’t produce evidence to support my claim, then I have no right to expect you to accept it. Intellectual integrity would compel you to reject it.
Fun fact:
Never in history has rigorous scientific methodology been applied in successfully proving that what has been dubbed a “virus” ACTUALLY causes a “disease”—let alone one that can hop from one person to the next.
Never been done. Including “co(n)vid”.
But by all means, if you enjoyed Covid Theatre and all the attendant diminishing freedom and would enjoy more of the same, please continue believing in “viruses.”
It’s been working out so wonderfully lately, hasn’t it, Del? RFK? Derrick?
Del’s position is frustrating because he seems to know better than he lets on publicly. In a one-to-one conversation at Anarchapulco this year with me he conceded that he leans more to my side of the spectrum and empathises more with the Terrain Team/Paradigm, and yet, as Mike Stone (ViroLIEgy Newsletter) points out, Del still insists on playing the game within the rules established by the System.
Del says he wants to build an army, but I question the wisdom of building an army based on gatekeeping (well-meaning or otherwise) which only fosters the existing ignorance of how the body and nature actually work.
You can’t win a game in a rigged system. As Tom Cowan has emphatically stated, the perpetrators of the scamdemic will never face justice (the system is too rigged), so can we please move on?
A correct understanding of the Terrain Paradigm allows one to grasp that the cellular debris and exosomes incorrectly labelled “viruses” simply do NOT cause disease and have nothing to do with “Contagion”.
They are normal bodily products produced intracellularly every day. As Mike points out, there’s no room for belief in pathogenic viruses in Terrain Paradigm, and yet, cloyingly, Del and Derrick Broze both seem to want to play the “middle ground” game.
To what end? So that we are still psychologically vulnerable enough to continue to fall for more Contagion hoaxes? Collaterally this also helps preserve the misplaced faith in quackseens—which every history buff knows have not conquered a single disease ever, despite what the shills claim.
You don’t conquer illness by injecting a cocktail of poisons. People injecting things to “stay healthy” or “stop a virus” are proving they have no idea what causes health or illness in the first place.
Anyway, as Mike Stone observes:
Del has mixed both germ theory and terrain theory together, which is something that I have recently seen from interviewer Derrick Broze and others as well. There is this middle ground that they are trying to play, almost as if they are afraid to upset the apple cart. Broze even cut Del off during the interview in order to interject that germ theory and terrain theory are not mutually exclusive
Derrick is wrong on this count and doesn’t seem to understand the foundational issues with virology. Anyone who has UNDERSTOOD the basic problems of virology KNOWS that this is a field ruled by pseudoscience and flawed interpretations.
Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has proved that beyond any doubt, flanked ably by the likes of Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, and the rest of us addressing the core issues from a place of logic instead of faith.
Time-Saving Resources
I will make 1 recommendation to you which may save you many, many hours of work. Read a book called Virus Mania—and make sure it’s the updated version with a chapter about convid-19.
An intelligent human who reads this book will be forced to give up belief in pathogenic viruses forever more—and that’s a good thing, because then you can reorient your decision-making to perform more useful behaviours that actually support your good health from the inside out, instead of thinking you need to “protect” yourself from “germs” out in the world around you.
You’ll be a quantum leap ahead of the average person.
⚠️ Another EXCELLENT resource in moving past Germ Theory, virus superstition, and allopathy in general is THE END OF COVID summit—the event to end them all. Make sure you reserve your spot—and if you already did use a previous link of mine from a couple months back, try registering with this one instead, as I may have shared the wrong link.
I’ll be giving 2 presentations and an interview with Alec talking about convid-19 from a psychosomatic angle.
I was one of the ONLY voices early on talking about cooties-19 from this POV and I provide the most in-depth breakdown of the PSYOP in relation to psychosomatics you’ll find. (The Truthiversity members may have access to this early!)
Please share the knowledge and let’s move humanity into the new paradigm understanding of health and illness.

About Me/Brendan:
Host of Truthiverse podcast. Author of the epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1.” (Book 2 is nearly finished!) Founder of The Truthiversity 📽
As affordable as it is, if your budget’s too tight for the whole enchilada inside The Truthiversity, feel free to donate a lesser subscription ⬇️ to support my work here - thanks in advance! :-)
Excellent article, Brendan - and thanks for the mention. 🥰
Well said. Agreed. For me the most exciting thing about the no virus position is that the next logical question is: then what does cause illness? What really killed Freddy Mercury and Arthur Ash? What really put those kids in iron lungs? What else has the government lied about? What else is the medical system wrong about? Why do schools force my kids to get jabs? The whole house of cards is up for questioning...