Cuddling Dragons: The Value of Your Shadow
Why is it a GOOD thing when uncomfortable ancient feelings and emotions that have been buried in your body for many years suddenly surface after sound-healing or DNA activation work? 🤔
Jung said it best:
“That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate.”
In other words, this submerged material unconsciously determines our modus operandi in the world, controlling us.
We need to address it, and that means confronting it. ✅
While doing this shadow work is anything BUT glamorous, it IS essential in reclaiming ourselves, our psyches, and our lives — and becoming masters of the aforesaid.
The unresolved trauma responses and conditionings hidden in the subconscious and body steer our lives from chthonic depths, sometimes so much so that it appears we are “cursed” or doomed to repeat the same self-defeating and “mysterious” cycles (or relationships) endlessly.
We need not accept such an idea. 👎
The solution is in bringing the darkness and ugliness and all we have rejected in ourselves into the solar light of consciousness for integration — so it no longer dwells in the lunar realm, insidiously controlling us.
When fragmented parts of us are reintegrated they can no longer control us unconsciously — and spontaneous physiological healings often accompany these integrations.
That’s been one of the things that’s shown up for years now while doing this sound-healing DNA activation work.
People sometimes report sudden upwellings of difficult psychological content, and my response is something like this:
Lean into it. 💪
This is your system trying to heal some very old wounds. Don’t try to suppress it — where has that gotten you in life? This is an opportunity to integrate that which you once buried and dissociated from. The time when that was appropriate or useful is long gone.
On the other side of our inner darkness awaits our light — they are the two necessary polarities of our torus. As Jung said,
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” 🎯
The man was an experienced psychiatrist and a veritable walking library. He knew the truth of this through his empiricism.
Many in the “New Age” realm would do well to heed his words, as the trend towards dissociation and avoidance is almost suffocating.
There are parallels in the orthodox religious realm too, where people avoid themselves by focusing on their preferred saviour or deity, and the rules they think they need to robotically follow to book a seat on the cloud.
The journey of “ascension” is really that of INscension — into the DEPTHS of ourselves. That’s where the vastness and beauty of who we really are lay in wait for us…
🐉 You may have to slay (or cuddle) a few dragons along the way, but to me that is much preferable to living a weak, meek existence of avoidance while living on the surface of myself.
“Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be.
Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” — Jung
The real inner work is not about chasing (or pretending) away the darkness, but integrating it and becoming more whole unto ourselves.
As it happens, this looks and feels a lot like unleashing our innate — but largely stifled — potential. Thus, the shadow or “darkness” becomes the fuel for our growth and renewal.
Personally, I’d rather actually FEEL alive and know myself than just exist in the shallows.
Y tu?
About Brendan:
Host of Truthiverse podcast. Author of the epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1.” Founder of The Truthiversity ( Subscribe for unrestricted access to all his exclusive material.
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- Brendan